Buena Vista is out, and the Alabama Wildlife Federation is in.
The details are unnecessary. All anyone should need to know is that I am happy with the change and fervently planning the Sherrill-Gilmore extravaganza in Millbrook. I am excited that the wedding ceremony and reception will now all be in one place, with lots of room.
AND it will be a little more outdoorsy and pretty and wilderness-like, but still covered with enough room so there is 0 chance for a rain-out. Here is a picture that does not really do the size/aesthetics justice:
Right now I am focused on learning how to make pomander balls, which I am going to use to decorate the isle, figuring out how much it would cost to make an arch/cabana/chuppah, and making about a million boxes for favors.
I hope all of you are incredibly jealous of how crafty and industrious I am, rather than secretly laughing at me for trying to do so much by myself. See yah in less than 3 months!